194 - Ryan Patterson of Coliseum “Living Your Life & Following Your Heart”

Childhood brother in arms Ryan Patterson drops by to catch up with Mark Brickey and their two decades of friendship. Ryan is the lead singer and guitar player for the great cult band Coliseum, he also spends his days doing graphic design and managing his merchandise company Shirt Killer.

Talking Points You’ll Hear on Episode 194 (Top File)
- How jerks like us can copy the celebrity lifestyle of greed into the punk rock life of just getting by.
- Overcoming a parent’s expectations and following your own path in life.
- Using your art to define a personal self worth.
- Finding an emotional score that rewards you and keeps you going before any actual success.
- The truth behind “Living Your Life & Following Your Heart” and how it works if done correctly.
- Bonding over the early steps that get you on the path to entrepreneurship.
- Your network of real friends that help you along the way.
- Ryan shares with us the business model of his merchandising company Shirt Killer.
- Make friends where you can and always treat the assistant as important as their boss.
- The importance of socially relevant lyrics in music. 
- How music design has changed in Ryan’s career.

In The Circle of Trust (paid content bottom file)
- We talk to Ryan about keeping the balance between all of his various projects.
- What the future of music looks like in Ryan’s eyes.
- Not being able to let go of a project because you’re addicted to being the guy in the project.
- Not wanting to be a session player but the lead singer in your own band.
- How to diversify your talents to make a career. 
- If you can’t find a shortcut, it doesn’t mean that you can’t create your own.