MOT: Cassette 05 of 10 "The Crossroad"

MISSION OF TRUST: Cassette 05 of 10

We've figured out who you are. We've laid out what you want to do. We analyzed how much extra time you realistically have. We even know how much money you have to invest in yourself. In the 5th Cassette of The Mission Of Trust we bring all four of these components together to determine the strongest possible solution towards building a better business for yourself. Listen carefully as Mark explains how to lay out your first four weeks into a cross where your heart is on the horizontal axis and your reality is on the vertical axis. The center of this crossroad is the answer you've been searching for and will provide the foundation you build off of. This exercise will help you materialize your dream into a realistic and actionable plan that will come to fruition over the next few weeks. 

Share your Mission Of Trust progress on Instagram with #COTMOT by Wednesday night ( Dec 14th) and you could be selected to be on the next cassette going over your crossroad with Mark on air and do some math on engineering what are the best steps to take towards fulfilling your Mission Of Trust.

"Get involved now and let it go through the crossroads."

Talking Points

  • How to use the first four cassettes to make your crossroad.

  • Why honesty is important at each step.

  • The horizontal heart and vertical reality.

  • Balancing your dream with your real life.

  • What is the starting point to where you want to go?

  • Waiting for a train that isn't coming is a silly thing to do.

  • Bite sized chicken nuggets you will build off of.

  • Don't forget the KISS concept.


  • Using the full power of the Circle Of Trust and why leaving comments can help with this crucial step.

Additional Help

Visit the all new WORKSHOPS section of the website where all the Mission Of Trust Cassettes are easily accessible and ready for you. You will also find focused episodes with some of our best guests like Greg Kerr from Miles To Go and Pin Game Strong offering up 100 Minutes of Friendly Advice when you're creating a product or Nathan Goldman from DKNG Studios breaking down 12 tips to keep your clients coming back for more. As you get into the next few Mission Of Trust Cassettes these episodes will work hand in hand with what you're trying to accomplish and will help make your dreams an even stronger reality. As we continue to pump out more Workshops this section of AdventuresIn.Design will grow into an incredible resource as you continue to push your limits and grow towards the success you want.