400 - Seasons of The Snake No.003 - Summer 2016 with Ben Neuhaus Owner/Proprietor of SnakeOilProvisions.com

400 - Seasons Of The Snake No.003 - Summer 2016 with Ben Neuhaus of SnakeOilProvisions.com
Full episode with Circle of Trust content (limited advertising)
400 - Seasons Of The Snake No.003 - Summer 2016 with Ben Neuhaus of SnakeOilProvisions.com
Circle of Trust content only

Mark makes his way back to Broadway for the Summer edition of Seasons Of The Snake with Men's Fashion Guru and Long Beach Beau, Ben Neuhaus. Normally, Ben wastes no time getting right into showering Mark with advice on what's next from boots to blouses but this episode is a little different. This marks Adventures In Design's 400th Episode. Now tie that in with the recent expansion of Snake Oil Provisions and you got yourself twice as many reasons to celebrate! Mark and Ben discuss the trials of being a business owner, believing in building your own dreams, and ditching the backup plan because with all this common sense knowledge pouring into your earholes you're never going to need one again. Their timelines, their struggles, and their breakthroughs share an uncanny similarity that brings these two Long Beach transplants even closer together... and they look damn good while they do it too.

Talking Points

  • Time traveling to the Pre-California Life with Mark and Ben.
  • The upsides in working retail.
  • Going for it with no back up plan to ensure there's no backing out.
  • Dealing with the broken dreams of the music industry.
  • Recognizing what creates lasting success.
  • The pains of being a normal citizen when you lose what little celebrity clout you had.
  • Shedding your old self to fully embrace what you will become.
  • Creative problem solving and being your own boss.
  • Establishing a network that will speed up your dream's timeline to fruition.
  • Maintaining the motivation and courage to follow your own dream.
  • The lean years are the toughest and working yourself to the bone.
  • Starting a business with someone doesn't necessarily mean you continue it with them.
  • Creating the store you want to shop in.
  • Finding a sustainable business model for long term growth.
  • AID starts the hunt for a new assistant.
  • Being nervous when you start getting too much good stuff.
  • The satisfaction of making your dreams happen.
  • Why did Snake Oil Provisions expand to a bigger spot?
  • Finding the silver lining in a nearby drug bust.
  • Planning for construction and keeping it under 400% over budget.
  • Working in an exclusive release with a party.
  • Mark's least favorite color and Ben's dream Purple Harley.
  • Does more retail space mean more money?
  • Top summer fashions at Snake Oil Provisions.
  • Baby steps to white jeans.
  • (Thin) $1000 Leather Jackets in June
  • The chase of the limited edition.
  • A brief preview of what to expect in Fall 2016.
  • The SOP Signature Boot!
  • Seasons Of The Snake LIVE.