489 - Seasons of The Snake No.004 - Holiday 2016 with Ben Neuhaus Owner/Proprietor of SnakeOilProvisions.com

489 - Seasons of The Snake No.004 - Holiday 2016 with Ben Neuhaus of Snake Oil Provisions
Full Episode with Circle Of Trust Content
489 - Seasons of The Snake No.004 - Holiday 2016 with Ben Neuhaus of Snake Oil Provisions
Circle Of Trust Content only

The next Season Of The Snake is upon us and Ben Neuhaus returns to bring us everything we need to know for the biggest retail season of them all. We have witnessed a huge year for Snake Oil Provisions from moving to a store double the size of their original location and dramatic increases in online orders as well. How does Ben handle all this growth and keep the momentum of his business moving forward? What challenges are on the horizon for a small, independent shop as Black Friday and the entire Christmas Season move closer and closer? Is that guy wearing women's jeans? All these questions and more are answered as The Unofficial King Of Long Beach and Mark Brickey bring us everything we need to know to get through Holiday 2016 and the business behind it.

Talking Points

  • Getting out of bed to grind.
  • Ramping up your shop for the biggest season of all.
  • Brand development and building a rabid fan base.
  • Wearing Snake Oil gear out in the world and spending your money on a look you can get behind.
  • Nine months ahead on nothing but intuition.
  • When do you take money out of the merry go round?
  • Tips on shopping for someone else and becoming a bizarre carnival barker.
  • The timeless working classic look as a Long Beach Negan with an iced coffee.
  • Lady jeans or skinny jeans?
  • Everything but the motorcycle and the gang.
  • Belting down your trash bag or striving for more.
  • Overcoming cash flow and human resources.
  • Short term views on long term solutions for growth.
  • Keeping your bat cave off the beaten path.
  • Intriguing contacts and shooting a Snake Oil Celebrity lookbook.
  • Friendstomers.
  • Fixing a crotch blowout, protecting doodads, and building a jean trilogy.
  • Doubling size means doubling orders.
  • The three chapters for Snake Oil Provisions and betting on a fish out of water.
  • Keeping your customers engaged and appealing to more than tattooed white guys.
  • Beating the odds, betting on your personality, and being your customers partner.
  • How parties can kill your business.
  • Durable tees that dads can't ruin in the dryer.
  • Spotting A Tribe Called Quest in faux leather jackets.
  • The two sides of the Snake Oil Income Strategy.
  • Handling increases in web traffic and the occasional cart jacking.
  • Instagram's frustrating Al Gore's Rhythm and keeping consistent personality driven posts.
  • How will SOP survive the next four years in a new and uncertain economy?
  • The California Bubble versus the rest of the US.