532 - The State Of Creativity with Shane Valentino, Paco De Leon, and Dave Kloc

532 - The State Of Creativity with Shane Valentino, Paco De Leon, and Dave Kloc
Full Episode with Circle Of Trust Content
532 - The State Of Creativity with Shane Valentino, Paco De Leon, and Dave Kloc
Circle Of Trust Content only

The State Of Creativity is the latest AID Live from Los Angeles installment where Mark has brought together three creative professionals from different walks of life to discuss where we are and where things will be going. It seems like current events will continually raise the stakes on democracy with issues that demand our attention and understanding and that can really take its toll on  most of us. Shane Valentino comes to us from the world of film, Paco De Leon has an unshakeable grasp on finance, and Dave Kloc brings his Andy Richter-ing to new peaks as our guests bring insight, intelligence, and inspiration for anyone's uncertain future in the creative forces. This AID Live is  a motivational boost to stand up, be heard, and carve your niche out of the resources and community you have around you. Whether your already digging the ditch or waiting for the opening you've been searching for, The State Of Creativity is an incredible resource to find your way through a difficult time ahead.

Talking Points

  • Taking logs to a fire while you resist and relax.
  • Keeping your forearms tight and Dave Kloc's pre printing ritual.
  • The ACLU collab that raised close to $5,000 from a Hissing Booth.
  • Meeting the Madonna of finance and lighting up the internet.
  • Financial literacy and separating bookkeepers from accountants.
  • What's the worst question Paco gets?
  • Bringing accountability back to the masses, pie allocation, and lumpy cash flow. 
  • Saving for the financial rainy days ahead and a helpful firewall to keep you honest.
  • The Anarchy Skills you need and practical advice about your money that you need even more.
  • Seeing past the doom and gloom and picking up some of the shattered pieces.
  • The strategy behind moving to New York and the simultaneous careers that leave you room for better work. 
  • Multiple metrics that keep the dream alive.
  • The zeitgeist (literally) behind the scenes and the positive discourse that came out of the election.
  • Waiting for the face of resistance from Hollywood and the time it takes to find a voice.
  • Giving back to the world and still feeling like an asshole.
  • News resources, the fine line of binging, and fighting the urge to parrot what you've heard.
  • Searching for a different perspective and discovering your empathy.
  • Maintaining motivation in tough times and the pendulum swing between emotion and action.
  • Creating tension and finding the enemy. 
  • Shaming creatives to stay out of politics and the dangerous us versus them mentality. 
  • Front of the class and back of the class kids.
  • The many levels art and creativity function at.