652 - The DKNG Show: Chapter 11

652 - The DKNG Show: Chapter 11
Full Episode
652 - The DKNG Show: Chapter 11
Circle Of Trust Content only

Dan and Nathan return for Chapter 11 of The DKNG Show where we once again step behind the curtain of this design powerhouse and see what makes it work so well. For over a decade these two have led the way with their technical prowess and business acumen so every time they join us on AID you can bet you'll be walking out the door with more chicken nuggets than you'll know what to do with. This episode examines The Decemberists poster the boys just released from concept to completion with some tips along the way that will alter your process to use Illustrator to its full extent. We also get a look at their latest Skillshare class and how they have adapted their format to get the most out of their audience. As one of the top profiles on Dribbble, we also get DKNG's opinion on how Scout will affect them and what it means for other designers who have used that platform for exposure and potential work. Whether you're a Shareware Millionaire or still a starving artist, this installment of The DKNG Show will bring more efficiency to your workflow and help point you in the right direction on finding success in the creative field.

Talking Points

  • Circles, squares, sausages, and triangles. 
  • Concepting out the necessary information and integrating it to your composition.
  • DKNG keeps it smooth, preps for printing, and starts with something they can reimagine. 
  • Setting aside style time for the things that deserve your artistic attention. 
  • The hardest thing to design, keeping your Legos editable, and the point of no return. 
  • The diorama of realism, textures that unify, and the science that brings your artwork to life. 
  • Unboxing DKNG’s latest Skillshare Class. 
  • Do clients understand which DKNG they’re trying to order?
  • Budget, time commitments, and details. 
  • Picking your Top 5, going bite sized, and working with that bendy thing in illustrator. 
  • The cyclical growth of ideas within a Skillshare Classroom. 

Circle Of Trust Talking Points

  • Civic Duty almost destroys Dan’s career.
  • Projected pros and cons of Dribbble’s Scout. 
  • Selling tickets to a performance you didn’t know you were a part of.
  • Building your kingdom on someone else’s land and using every single egg in your basket. 
  • Deleting Facebook, toking with Hilary, and conspiracy theories about Apple. 
  • Rereleasing out of print Moog posters and a teaser for the next series from DKNG.



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